Sunday, December 21, 2008
The Four Seasons, works from Silver at Kahawa
The Liberty Boot Company
Custom Water Towers
Water Towers remain as popular as ever, everyone just loves them and we are fielding inquiries as to personalized pieces, whether it be bands {see above, Rock N Roll } or peronal messages {You Are My Sunshine} so if you'd like to lay claim to some real estate contact me here to discuss a commission. I quite like the high contrast between the white tower and the mod symbol.
A.S Hahn
Seven Crowns Tattoo
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
We continue our mad march to Christmas, with three more images for the series MOST DYNAMIC, we are going to switch over for a little while and do some kids letters. They will grace the walls at Kahawa for the month of January.
Let's get in touch,
A.S Hahn
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
MOST DYNAMIC the series
Leading up to Christmas I am painting one piece a day to publish at this site. Here are two to get us started, there may be more publised today to give me a head start, so I won't have to do this again until the 5th of Dec. each piece is available for the Most Dynamic price of One Hundred Dollars, I can't believe it either, that truly is Most Dynamic!
A.S Hahn
Last Days of Silver at the Cameron House
The show "Silver" comes down on Sat am, so the last day to see the work at the Cameron House is this Friday. If you would like to meet me to discuss a piece, contact me here to arrange a time. I promise to write all the notes and impressions of the work sometime soon, I just can't get into this, I'd rather be out living than blogging.
A.S Hahn
Monday, November 24, 2008
Apparently my yearly bout of insomnia has come early this year, leaving me with migraines and a general feeling of living in a fugue state, yet we soldier on and painted these wonderful beasties just to keep a smile on my face.
Two More for "Silver"
The show at the Cameron House is extended until the 5th of December to be followed by Sam Ferrara's yearly show of metal sculpture. Sales are still going well so if you're interested in a piece I suggest you contact me sooner than later.
So the old email has been hacked and if you are on my contact list you will receive an email addressed to "Undisclosed Recipient" asking you to send me Three Thousand dollars, DO NOT REPLY, it isn't me.
new email is
A.S Hahn
Monday, November 10, 2008
Thanks to all who came to the Opening, it was a roaring success with great music by The Wanted, all kinds of little yard apes running around and smiles, laughter and compliments, I'm very touched. The show continues at the Cameron House until the 28 th of November.
all the best Shoppers,
A.S Hahn
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
Countdown to Sunday
Friday, October 31, 2008
We Hang the show tomorrow
Silver will be up Saturday at the Cameron House, the Cameron opens at 4 pm, the Opening is next Sunday from 4-7:30 pm, if you are interested in purchasing work I reccomend buying or reserving before the Opening as work disappears mostly in the first week of the show being hung.
Billy Norman Trio
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Last of the....two ways of working
Thursday, October 09, 2008
Last of works for "Silver"
Last of the...and small adjustments.
Friday, September 26, 2008
New Skies, no blue skies
Saturday, September 20, 2008
If this is your first visit
Scattered news of all Kinds
Here is my new tea towel, you may think it odd to post it, but I think it's incredible as a piece of art. You have to be able to see it everywhere. If you're feeling out of practice go lie down outside and pick some shapes out of the clouds, before the ground gets too cold, if this fails spit juice on a piece of paper and let it dry.
- Here's a lovely sign posted in a shop not to far from the El Mocambo, GO TORONTO! YEAH! THIS IS MY TOWN!
- Last Thursday (Sept.11) we did our bit for charity and donated," Canadian Girl with Blue Jay" to the Royal Bank of Canada's raffle for Juvenille Diabetes Research. In less charitable news "Canadian Girl with Grey Bird" was donated to the Magpie bar on Dundas because I like drinking there, if you like old punk rock Miles, Graham and Lee have the music for you.
- If you need a "Canadian Girl" of any kind, contact me here. Christmas is coming folks.
- I love words, my new favourite word was published in the venerable Toronto Sun, that word is "coinsiderable" which I define as, "A very large amount of change".
If Terrorists truly wanted to strike a blow at Canada, they would introduce Listereosis into the cream supply at Tim Horton's , I can no longer stomach that awful processed cream, but that being said I will live to fight the Terrorists ala Chuck Norris in the classic "Invasion USA", if you get home drunk tonight it will probably be showing on Spike TV. If it was communists who were responsible, I'd say watch "Red Dawn." ( "WOLVERINES!!!! " It was their proud battle cry)
"The only thing worse than bad health, is a bad name" from Love in the Time of Cholera
"Hey Picasso, it's DeNiro, are we meeting up tonight or what?" from Tony Nappo
The Grapes of Wrath Chapter 14, page 150, a breathtaking piece of writing, just read that page.
"Susan Sarandon"
I was there, I know the guy, he wasn't talking to anyone, maybe just a fan, who knows. In fact he may not have even been aware he said it out loud. I've been puzzling over this for days.
"To hear what other people are thinking" I can't recall where I picked this up, but it is very helpful.
I have no idea, if any of that was worth posting, but I haven't been here for a week or so and wanted to let you Shoppers know that more work is coming soon.
All the best,
It doesn't always come easy you know
First off sorry about those two images being sideways, I thought they weren't, anyways. This is a look at Process for the series,"Silver". This piece is titled "Hermes" or "Woman with Bottles". I scrapped it after these four attempts and need to hire a model to do this properly. So for those who think I just vomit this stuff up without a problem, you can now rest easy knowing it is a struggle. I love the concept, I just have to walk back to square one and start over again, hopefully when that happens I will have a solid pose and photo references to work with, as I believe this is a great image.