the Woman Who Fell 3/4
all pieces acrylic on canvas, 12 x 12 inches
all pieces acrylic on canvas, 12 x 12 inches
$120.00 each, diptychs $220.00
I've been working pretty steadily on a commission, a diptych that I hope to have finished and posted on Friday, it's a larger work, two 20x24 inch canvases, it's coming along very nicely lots of depth. I was originally going to post some progress shots but, I kept changing things as I worked so I thought it best not to post them, it would just look messy and confusing.
The above images became a bit of an obsession, "The Woman Who Fell" she quickly became something I couldn't get out of my head, not sure if it's out of my system yet. The Queen of Birds was another sketch/note from "Silver" (see labels) I did a male version of the piece but never got around to doing a female, it was too late in the exhibition to do it, so here is a 12 x 12 version.
Work is selling steadily so once again if there is something you like, I reccomend that you buy it now.
I have some other thoughts that I'll share next post, notes that I've been scribbling in the moleskines, things about inspiration and process that I'm sure you'll find interesting but I have to get back to the easel.
A.Shay Hahn