Monday, September 30, 2013

Deep Sea Diver, Red Guitar

Deep Sea Diver/ Red Guitar
10x12 inches, acrylic on canvas
Not the best Monday in the studio, lots of distractions and office type stuff to do, not much to say except that tomorrow will be better. All work is for my annual November show at the Cameron House, but can be purchased earlier.
A.Shay Hahn


10x12 inches, acrylic on canvas
I obviously have to start paying attention to what settings I'm using on my camera, unhappy with how "bright" most of my photos are and then I have to do some push/pull and adjust them after. How I miss my old idiot two megapixel camera that took perfect photos every time in the laundry room of my old studio.
It's wet and rainy out there so I'm hoping for a good day down in the basement.
Congratulations to the cast and creators of Breaking Bad, it was an incredibly satisfying ending to a very strong series.
A.Shay Hahn