Thursday, September 01, 2011

Deep Sea Diver with Stratocaster

Deep Sea Diver w/ Strat
14x18inches, acrylic on canvas, framed

And here's another DSD rockin a Stratocaster, commission a Deep Sea Diver playing your favourite instrument, don't be afraid to ask.
A.Shay Hahn

The Wilson 96, Friday Sept.9th Get On the Bus!

Deep Sea Diver w/ Acoustic Guitar
10x12inches,acrylic on canvas, framed

Come on out Friday, September 9th between 6-8pm and meet me for a drink at the Wilson 96 on College Str. and later that night get your dancing shoes on for "The Old Soul" DJ party here's the event posting ,!/event.php?eid=277846112231908
 I imagine it's going to be alot of great old vinyl being played. So there's two things to do in one day and at one location! Hope to see you there.
A.Shay Hahn