8 x 16 inches, acrylic on canvas, framed
$140.00 each
can be ordered
from the series, "weapons"
Final Week at Mitzi's Sister, the last day to see the show is Sunday, August 8th. I will be there today from 6-8 pm if you'd like to chat about the show or pick up your artwork.
Upcoming at the Lower Ossington theatre I will be doing some improvisitional sketches and stuff, here's a copy of the email, it's how we artsty types communicate,
"Hey you guys - we're doing this art collaboration project in summerworks AUG 5-14th. We had the idea that since it's about the various arts coming together (music, performing, improv) we thought it'd be cool to have an improvising art corner. Basically, you'd tell me when you would like to book in - pull together what supplies you would need and we would give you a table to watch the show and be inspired by...plus, free drinks! The art could be anything from sketches, to paintings, to collages - anything that you get from watching the show.At the end of the night, we have a swag table that the pieces can be displayed on and SOLD with %100 going to YOU! (money and art pieces can be picked up at the end of the week)."
Here's a promo of what we are doing.
What is Fiasco Playhouse?
What is Fiasco Playhouse?
I will be there on the 11 th of August at the Lower Ossington theatre, doing my thing.
Also at the Lower Ossington theatre I will be participating in the "Square Foot" show that is run by AWOL Gallery, here's a link with that info.
There will also be a couple more interesting bits of info. coming your way after the 10th of August or so, but until then, enjoy Lord Simcoe (King of the Vikings!) Day.
A.Shay Hahn