12 x 12 inches, acrylic on canvas, $120.00 each
I don't know if it's the fact that Hallowe'en is fast approaching but things at the Shoppe have definitely taken a turn for the ghostly around here. Classical Gothic, none of these images were done to deliberately reference the coming of the 31rst. I've actually been working on them off and on all month and just happened to finish in the past couple of days.
There hasn't been much to report here lately, working on a lot of alphabet shoppe letters right now (see links, the alphabet shoppe) people seem to have caught on that ordering early is the best way to get the work before December. The Press Club show is going to be big and I'm going to be busy, so buying any paintings right now is reccomended, most of the work sold in the first week, even before the Opening Reception (this year, Saturday, December 5th, 7- 10 pm). I will accept commissions for the month of November, but December may be too late to get them when you want them.
I still have to organize my process notes into coherent paragraphs, so bear with me on that one, lots of good thoughts about what I do and where it comes from.
I will also soon be posting a recent commission, that info is still to come.
A.S Hahn