Hey there we're getting back in the swing of things at the studio just completed the final highlights on these two Pilots which will be hanging at the Wilson 96 (615College) for the month of January as part of a group show, after that if they don't sell, I'll move them down to the Press Club. I really love this 16 x 16 inch size and also the "boy and his dog" posture that the figures have. Here's the info, love that it's called, "the Group of 96"
Sunday, January 9 · 7:00pm - 10:00pm
the Wilson 96 , 615 College Street
Our first group show is up and it is quite something. Please come on by to check out some beautiful work by our artist friends and stick around to hear Danica Leigh bring us some Sunday night jazz at 9:30.
the Group of 96 Art Show- painting and photography ,January 4-31, Shannon Blackie, Therese Cilia , Andrew Shay Hahn, Meaghan Lynch, Farid Rezzaoui, Hieram Wientraub, Sean Waisglass
In other news we've been reading pages and pages of Tom Waits lyrics and writing copious notes for "the Tom Waits Project" which is my next series of paintings that I will be working on from now at least until April, there will be other work but the T.Waits stuff will be a regular weekly posting.
Expect a couple of designs to pop up here soon, lots to do.
A.Shay Hahn