So at the top of the second row from left, I added a "War Pig" ($80.00) and at the bottom by the antique fan that is affectionately known as "the Chopper" I've hung, "A Quiet Place to Call My Own" ($160.00) which I'd reccomend picking up if you're interested in the piece, it won't last. The rest of the wall is the same, actually, the muppets may vanish, I'm going to try to sell them all off quickly at the Fringe, they were fun to do for a spell but it's time to move away from figures protected by copyright, so if you want a Muppet I'll have them with me in my knapsack while I'm at the Fringe, 6-9 pm July 1 rst and July 2nd, $40.00 each.
see you at the Fringe,
A.Shay Hahn