14 x 18 inches, acrylic on canvas, framed
$260.00 each
So the promo cards are ready and I'm wandering around town personally delivering them to fine folks who I'd like to attend, dropping them in mailboxes of businesses I like and leaving little piles in pubs and in washrooms for people to pick up. I have yet to annoy too many people on facebook and am just including the smallest bits of info on Tumblr.
I have about seven more pieces in various states of completion (most are most than half finished, luckily) and am just trying to keep a good groove and not lose my head.
The show goes up on the 1rst of December and I'll be there from 6-8pm, tweaking and labelling. Friday Dec. 3rd you can come by for a Reception from 6:30- 9:30pm and have some nosh and hang out.
As usual work is already selling, so get to me soon if there is a piece you'd like to secure.
hope all is well,
A.Shay Hahn