Insomnia's yield presented above and in the post below and three more in the works that are almost finished. It's been a trial/pleasure to work on this show of paintings - a diary more than anything, I'm just going to keep journalling the work as opposed to planning another new series of paintings, this is the way to go for the next few months. Grab a handful of those 12x12's and go to town on them. I've learned alot about symbol through the process, the drums are love, the paper dolls are guardian spirits, often the houses are yours truly.
When combined with the cleanse, physical and emotional clarity helps me "get" to the painting faster than the slower "poisoned" state my body has been in. As any reader knows, the show at the Cameron will change every Saturday as works are sold new pieces and new narratives will take their place, the small pieces are grouped in 4's that make a square, each tells it's own chapter of my "transition" over the past three months.
According to everyone it looks fantastic, so best get own your horse there Saddle Pal and head on down before the Ninth of December.
For listening
- Cat Power "The Moon" from "The Greatest"
- The Absolutely Blessed Mary Margaret O'Hara "You Give Me Something To Cry About" which has been copied by generations of Toronto Female Singer Songwriters but never trumped (Miss America)
- Anything by the Queen of Hearts Eleni Mandell (if you don't own her first album "Thrill" you don't know what you're missing, on my Top Ten List)
- "Can't Hardly Wait" the Replacements, America's Best band - hush up Wilco fans, you don't know.
- Thanks to Renee,Miles and Lee and God Speed Brian we will hear from you soon,
A.S Hahn - madcraftshoppe@hotmail.com
above image "Beacon" 12"x36" acrylic on canvas, framed (not shown) $400.00