Wednesday, December 08, 2010
The Press Club, back wall

The Press Club, East Wall

Fox with Fiddle $180.00, Fall Fashions (skeletons) STOLEN, Crow with Drum $180.00, Pilot SOLD (replaced with "Man with Hammer" $220.00)
Orange Two SOLD (replaced with Man with Hammer II SOLD), Grapefruit $260.00, the Night Tree $340.00
Lady with an Axe $220.00, Pencils (Blonde Chignon) SOLD, Prometheus $260.00, Canadian Girl $180.00
A.Shay Hahn
The show at the Press Club, West Wall

Sorry for the delay in getting this posted, I'd originally made one long post with all the images but quickly realized it was just too big, so it was deleted. I've been spending most of time over at the Any How Town blog, posting photos of new things that I've made. My current attitude is that Any How Town is play and Painting is work, so after going nonstop to get the show ready for the Cameron (this past May) to going all the way to now I just really don't want to do any more painting until the New Year.
There will be things popping up here of course as the show changes, ( I already need to reshoot the East Wall), but I'm in full on "rest" mode from painting. What does "rest" mean you ask ? It means I'm writing pages for my graphic novel, working on two kids books that are based on Any How Town characters and designing a series of movie/band posters.
I am available for appointments to meet at the Press Club by contacting me here, the Press Club is located at 850 Dundas West, North side of the street, between Euclid and Manning.
A.Shay Hahn