First up, thanks to all who came out on Monday to the Wilson 96, a good time was had by all, and I'm nothing without your support, the show is up until the end of October and there is new work already on the walls (see above photo).
I have recently lowered the prices on the work at the Press Club, I am trying to raise some money to take a month away from painting to work on my graphic novel "Any How Town" (see Links section of this blog). I've scripted and thumbnailed three short stories and I would love a chance to get to finally draw them. I thought I would have the time/savings at the end of The Cameron House show to do this project, but there were some delays that made that impossible. So if you have always wanted a framed piece of my work but found it too expensive, you can buy work at the Press Club. I am not lowering the prices because I think the work is bad, I am offering a savings to you to help me complete a project that I've been developing for over a year and a half. You can purchase the work directly from the staff at the Press Club.
all the best, hope to hear from you
A.Shay Hahn