So it took a few days to do it, but I finally put the brush to canvas on the first two 30 x 30's, I thought I'd begin in comfortable territory and work on the above, "Waiting for the Lake to Freeze" but render the piece with cooler tones, than the previous paintingss in the series, work the clothes differently, give it a cool "black and white" tone palette. I'm going to enjoy just pushing the paint around, there's so much space to use.
I'll start the second block in today, a woman holding a string of lanterns, it only took about three hours of sketching last night to get to where I wanted to be for the second piece. I also did about three pages of sketches of women holding trees as if they were umbrellas, not sure if we're going down that road.
I'm hoping to have six of them finished for the first week of May, I'm pretty confident that once I get going that won't be a problem. As I consider what the show at the Cameron show should look like I see that I'd hang four of them in the room and keep two on reserve for studio visits and sales.
I've been drawing alot of chairs lately, I think we'll start to see a bunch of chairs showing up paintings, trees too, I've started two paintings of trees and I figure I'm making my way through them at a good pace - it's a learning curve. You'd think, "Trees, what's the big deal ?" well you have to find your way there, I've built trees and painted them for Theatre sets, painted drops and scrims of trees, but they weren't A.Shay Hahn trees, they were filler, these are front and center trees, it's just like painting a person - if that person were a tree.
Anyways, the last day of the Press Club is Sunday the 28th of February, I'm going to be there from 7-9pm. I will be available to negotiate prices on the work that is there, volume discountst, that kind of thing, so come on by. I have to raise my prices for the May show. Why am I doing this ? People tell me that I don't charge enough for my work - so guess what, I'm raising it, if you don't like it, blame your peers, it was their fault.
all the best,
A.Shay Hahn