So if your band wants a sketch or would like a formal poster or some other work done for them contact me, Andrew Shay Hahn here
(coming soon BeGood Tanyas, Rattlesnake Choir , OCMS and others!)
Other News
New Cloak and Dagger shirts coming soon ! The pub is almost SOLD OUT of Russian Spy Girl shirts so get one now! You can see a sketch if you scroll down the scrolly bar on your immediate right hand side. You can also see the really blurry pictures I took of them.
Paintings at Darren Kwik Studio, I'll be showing work at this studio located in the Chocolate Lofts on Massey Str. and Queen West. for the next month.
Eleni Mandell will be playing the Mod Club on the 9th of May - if you don't know, you had better find out.