Friday, April 01, 2011

Last Weekend at the Cameron House, where to next ?

This is the last weekend to see my work at the Cameron House, I'll be taking the work down on Sunday, so you have today and tomorrow to head over (408 Queen West) you can scroll down on the blog to see what is hanging there.

Once that stuff (stuff, he calls it, stuff!) comes down I'll be posting a photo of my dedicated wall at the Press Club (850 Dundas West) look for that picture to show up here on Sunday. There will be axe ladies, smaller mariachi etc. there for you to purchase. I may even begin to show some of the April Grid Diary work there but I'm not sure yet, depends on a grand scheme to have someone else build frames for the show, that's right I may have 75 small frames made to display the grids.

I'll be moving a bunch of work to Cowbell Restaurant in April, everything should be hanging there by the 10 th of April. Here is a link to their revamped and very cool website

that's all the news for now, many thanks to S.Power and everyone at the Wilson 96 for their support. As always we'd love to hear from you, please send an email, or leave a comment here on the blog.

I get to paint my girlfriend's basement this week.

A.Shay Hahn

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