Thursday, June 04, 2009

The Lacuna Cabal, new link

We've just added "The Lacuna Cabal" to the links section, this is author (playwright, actor, banjoist) Sean Dixon's blogsite where he compiles notes and memories surrounding the writing of his novel, "the Last Days of the Lacuna Cabal".
I love collecting and keeping a record of reference material for everything that I create, but what I really enjoy is seeing other folks do it in a far more articulate way. If you love literature, you'll love his work, I've been a fan of his playwriting skills for many years, and we also worked together at the Blyth Festival many years ago. I also remember getting ready to do a scenic job in the backspace at Theatre Passe Muraille (I'm pretty sure it was TPM) and there was a play script with a eerily similar name sitting on a production table, luckily it said, "by Sean Dixon" under the header.


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