Saturday, June 13, 2009

50 posts #6, Donated for Auction

Canadian Girl, Red Flag
12 x 12inches, acrylic on canvas
donated to auction
custom Canadian Girls can be ordered by contacting me here.

Awhile ago a friend asked me to donate a piece for auction to a charity organization she is a member of (more on this later) I of course agreed to donate a piece, I think it's impportant to give as much as you can if you are able. For years I would donate to auction for Theatre's in Toronto. I usually submit something small so the piece is guranteed to sell and the charity can benefit from the donation.

After The Press Club show I realized that I didn't have anything small - or more pointedly didn't have anything optimistic looking, as I think my current work is a little too "dark" for these kind of events, so I crafted up a more "old school/straight ahead Canadian Girl for the event. Here she is.

Taking the day off of painting to get out and wander the city with PPBJ (inside joke), I submitted more names for fb'ers to vote on, these came off the top of my head, "Quilted Crow, Our Lady of Goldfish and Funeral for Pynamas - now people probably figured out that "Funeral for Pyjamas" is the quirkiest of the bunch and so that's what we're doing now, I will probably use the other two titles as well.

I will also be posting more anecdotes, this time, people relaying their stories of the first Funeral they attended.



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