Tuesday, April 29, 2008

The Faces and their Inspiration - a long story...

Utitled {Maple Leaf} Utitled {Eye Patches}

each image, twelve x twelve iches, acrylic o cavas

oe hudred ad twety dollars

I have a sick fascination with portraits, and paintings of faces, really uncomfortable {Chuck} close ups of faces,I find it remarkable that they capture my attention instantly, I'd stop doing CPR if someone walked past carrying a good portrait.
Years ago the KMFDM album "nihil" featured a painting that never left my head, look it up, it's striking, actually I'll post it here, maybe that's where it started.
Four/Five years ago at Katherie Mulherin, Margaux Williamson had a triptych of two young boys whose faces were painted white, there was a bridge image between them which was great too, anyways , I was so poor at the time I could't afford them, they sold the day after, I would've given up all my vices to buy those paintings, and yes, I have told her how much I love those kids and that they have never left my memory, they sit right beside that KMFDM cover in my visual rolodex.
Recently I saw a photo of actor/playwright Claire Calnan {see above} that made me decide to move back to portraits, here are two of the series of faces. The first isn't as successful as I thought it would be, I have to work the highlights more, I'll get it right soon. The second is from a photo I stole from my friend Vikki Anderson, which was an image that as soon as I saw it , I had to steal it. That's just the way I am.

A.S Hahn


Anonymous said...

cool! just saw this shay...i like it. & i didn't know i started the trend. that's even better!

Anonymous said...

oh- it's claire by the way!