Sunday, October 23, 2005


Hello Loyal customers, just a quick new post to encourage/remind you to come to the Cameron House on Saturday November 5th for the Big Pre Christmas show entitled, "Stay In At Recess" a delightful melange of nostalgic works to inspire and invigorate. The Shoppe will be closed for a couple of days, so expect a new post near the end of the week. And for those who have already purchased a letter this is your reminder to meet me on Thursday the 27th between 5 and 7 at the Shoppe to pick up your letter. Still taking orders, feel free to email comments and etc's to the Shoppe. Take care and see you soon - Shay


Paula said...

gotta say... I absolutely adore the painting that I purchased there, Louise. It's making my extraordinarily barren walls look interesting.

Thank you!

Anonymous said...

A.Shay Hahn I've enjoyed this on this post and it's been useful for our own project on ##LINK#. Thanks. Anny.