The Royal Families is now hung at the Cameron House, Closing Party with "Little Jimmy's Chicken Pickers" will be Saturday, the 25th of June, 5-8pm, more on that as we get closer to the date. There seems to be a problem with the photo uploader right now so let me say all the work that you see below that is tagged, "the Royal Families" is there. Each piece is 10 x12 inches, acrylic on canvas, framed $160.00 Work is already selling so if there is something you like you can go and get it. If you can't wait and want to see some photos of the work in the Cameron House head to my fb group, "Andrew Shay Hahn (the mad craft shoppe) and it's all there for your perusal. This week I'll be finishing some other pieces that I didn't have time to get to before I hung the show and replacing work as it sells. I can't stress enough that if there is something you want, you have to go get it, I don't do reserves because of past let downs for prospective clients.
all the best,
A.Shay Hahn
Monday, May 30, 2011
Thursday, May 26, 2011
The Royal Families, Inspiration
Artemis (II)
10x12inches, acrylic on canvas, framed
for the Royal Families, to be shown at the Cameron House, June 2011
Blondes, bows and hoodies ? What is this ? An Abercrombie and Fitch catalogue ? Nope, far from it the inspiration for this entire painting comes from this piece of paper that I have scanned for you from a poster at the Cameron House that I was so taken with the colours and shape I had to take a piece, sometimes I may make up stories to make the work seem more interesting, this isn't one of those times. If I was using the "good" camera you could see the matching tones, so instead go see the work in person Sunday afternoon. Date for the closing reception still TBA
A.Shay Hahn
now I do think that Abercrombie & Fitch should hire me to paint a catalogue for them, if someone could hook that up it would be much appreciated.
now I do think that Abercrombie & Fitch should hire me to paint a catalogue for them, if someone could hook that up it would be much appreciated.
The Royal Families, The Hunting Party
The Hunting Party
10x12inches, acrylic on canvas, framed
for the Royal Families, to be shown at the Cameron House, June 2011
wish I could spend all day here on the blog rambling about all the great ideas I had last night while I was sketching, but there simply isn't time, expect another piece to show up soon.
If you've come here from Tumblr or have found one of my invite cards, welcome, there's lots to see.
A.Shay Hahn
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
The Royal Families, Fireflies
10x12inches, acrylic on canvas, framed
for the Royal Families, to be shown at the Cameron House, June 2011
I'd been looking for something with a similar power to the Prometheus image, I thought I'd try this image of jarred fireflies, though it isn't as dramatic, I like the more relaxing or lyrical feel of the piece.
A.Shay Hahn
The Royal Families, the Family Tree
The Royal Families, at the Cameron House, June 2011
all work is 10x12 inches, acrylic on canvas, framed
$160.00 each
I love doing one of these grid shots when I have a series that is uniform in size, I wish I could've fit another row into the shot, but I stand on a chair in my basement studio to do this and the ceiling is only so high. I'll be framing the whole lot on Saturday (that will be a long and bloody day full of cursing) and then hang the show Sunday aft at the Cameron House, which I hope to do as efficiently as possible and then you can come in Sunday and buy the work directly and disrupt the whole aesthetic, that's fine by me.
back to the easel,
A.Shay Hahn
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Press Club Wall May 24th
Red Devils $80.00 each, The Running Man $80.00,Deep Sea Divers (7x9) $80.00 each, Mariachi Skeletions $80.00 each, Steve Austin $80.00, The Falconer $200.00, Deep Sea Diver (large) $200.00, Woman with Two Axes (small) $140.00, Woman with Two Axes (large) $180.00, A Cup of Crows $140.00, A Quiet Place $140.00.
the Press Club is located at 850 Dundas West. you can pay with cash directly to the bar staff.
A.Shay Hahn
Red Devils $80.00 each, The Running Man $80.00,Deep Sea Divers (7x9) $80.00 each, Mariachi Skeletions $80.00 each, Steve Austin $80.00, The Falconer $200.00, Deep Sea Diver (large) $200.00, Woman with Two Axes (small) $140.00, Woman with Two Axes (large) $180.00, A Cup of Crows $140.00, A Quiet Place $140.00.
the Press Club is located at 850 Dundas West. you can pay with cash directly to the bar staff.
A.Shay Hahn
The Royal Families, just look at that sky
Black Hammer
10x12inches,acrylic on canvas, framed
at the Cameron House, June 2011
I can't wait to shoot this whole show with my new camera, these photos never do my work justice, but it sure does cut down on image theft. I think this is my 600th post since beginning this blog about six years ago. I wish I was able to write more for you to read, but just keep coming back and watch the show grow. All work is available for purchase once it's hung, (probably Sunday) and cash can be paid to the bartender and you can leave with the piece when you purchase it.
A.Shay Hahn
The Royal Families, studies in excellence
Untitled (study in grey)
from the series "Royal Families"
to be shown at the Cameron House, June 2011
10x12inches, acrylic on canvas, framed
Looks like I might hit 600 posts today, the work is coming along really well.
A.Shay Hahn
The Royal Families, sketch appeal
Untitled (Violin player)
from the series "Royal Families"
to be shown at the Cameron House, June 2011
10x12inches, acrylic on canvas, framed
10x12inches, acrylic on canvas, framed
I spent a good deal of time yesterday sketching how I'd like the show to look and then as usual scrapped every idea and I'm just going to do a straight hang, no salon look, no groupings, I want the continuous line presented by the horizon to just run down the wall. The way I'll choose to hang the pieces will then be based on the sky tones and how they move from one to the other. I've never hung a show based on this before, I'm sure it will take awhile to get it right.
Of course this will change over time as work is bought and replaced, I think I'll be having a closing instead of an Opening and will maybe continue to paint until the end of June, still haven't decided that yet.
Expect a couple more of these posts today as I have three pieces that are almost finished and heck, it's only 7 AM I should be able to get them finished.
A.Shay Hahn
Monday, May 23, 2011
The Royal Families, Victoria
Victoria (white coat, rubber boots)
from the series "Royal Families"
to be shown at the Cameron House, June 2011
10x12inches, acrylic on canvas, framed
There's been no shortage of things going on here, I've been getting parts of the studio set up in the East End, finishing work here and getting prepped to build about thirty frames later in the week, and of course cutting the heads of plastic animals and swapping them with other heads.
I wasn't sure if I was going to do an axe piece for this show, the decision to do one was more based solely on how well these tones go together than the subject matter, people may think my work figures on what is going on in the frame, but I find the arguments that I have the most with myself when I'm painting aren't about the subject but about balancing colour in the work.
I've been finishing Season Two of "Damages" today as I'm painting and I have to say it's a hot mess compared to the first Season, so many people still alive, so many tiny threads to tie together an ugly beast of a story, big fail, they wanted to differentiate so much from the first Season that they boned themselves.
Hope everyone is having a great long weekend
A.Shay Hahn
Friday, May 20, 2011
The Royal Families, wet n' wild
Yellow Raincoat (pitchfork III)
from the series "Royal Families"
to be shown at the Cameron House, June 2011
10x12inches, acrylic on canvas, framed
And once again I put out a big box o' books for folks to pick through and find a new treat and that same ahole comes along and takes the whole box. I'm sure they're going to a store and selling them now, but damn, at least bring the box back.
Send us your thoughts,
A.Shay Hahn
The Royal Families, The Pilot by Night
from the series "Royal Families"
to be shown at the Cameron House, June 2011
10x12inches, acrylic on canvas, framed
Here we are back at it on a sunny Friday, have a great long weekend, if you're looking for something to do check out Meadowlark Five, Milk Run and The Big City Hicks at the Press Club this weekend. I'm sure they'll have the patio open. There is also a fine selection of mariachi, red devils and deep sea divers there for you. I think anxiety week began for this show yesterday, so it can be said that it's here a little early for my tastes. I have about ten more pieces I'd like to finish, some are currently an absolute mess and then I'll be in the shop building frames like a crazy man, yes a crazy man, next week.
Here we are back at it on a sunny Friday, have a great long weekend, if you're looking for something to do check out Meadowlark Five, Milk Run and The Big City Hicks at the Press Club this weekend. I'm sure they'll have the patio open. There is also a fine selection of mariachi, red devils and deep sea divers there for you. I think anxiety week began for this show yesterday, so it can be said that it's here a little early for my tastes. I have about ten more pieces I'd like to finish, some are currently an absolute mess and then I'll be in the shop building frames like a crazy man, yes a crazy man, next week.
Not sure when I'm hanging the show, but I'll let you know soon.
A.Shay Hahn
Thursday, May 19, 2011
The Royal Families, fashion. madness, stretchy clothes
Untitled (Houdini Escape III)
from the series "Royal Families"
to be shown at the Cameron House, June 2011
10x12inches, acrylic on canvas, framed
I have some things to say about this image, but I'm a little choked up right now after watching, "Get Low", I can't reccomend it enough.
A.Shay Hahn
The Royal Families, National Life Jacket Day
Shovel and Pail
from the series "Royal Families"
to be shown at the Cameron House, June 2011
10x12inches, acrylic on canvas, framed
Today is National Life Jacket Day, keep is safe out on the water this long weekend folks. I must have been staring at my May calendar for days until I finally read that today was National LJ Day, I assume it has influenced this pieces all along.
A.Shay Hahn
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
The Royal Family, today in Canadian History
Red Cross
from the series "Royal Families"
to be shown at the Cameron House, June 2011
10x12inches, acrylic on canvas, framed
Today in 1909, Parliament passes Legislation creating the Canadian Red Cross.
A.Shay Hahn
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
The Royal Family, man I'm sleepy
Untitled (suspenders)
from the series "Royal Families"
to be shown at the Cameron House, June 2011
10x12inches, acrylic on canvas, framed
Well, it's been a great day here at the studio, amazing what you get accomplished when you get up at 5:30AM, I'll see if I can finish something else today, but I'm fading pretty fast.
A.Shay Hahn
The Royal Family, tools of the trade
Pitchfork II
from the series "Royal Families"
to be shown at the Cameron House, June 2011
10x12inches, acrylic on canvas, framed
I don't know if the pitchfork will ever replace the axe, but it has good shape to it.
A.Shay Hahn
also I got a copy of Hatari! at 7-11 for $4.99 ! Clasic Howard Hawks with John Wayne, Red Buttons, the dude from Flight of the Phoenix with the glasses and most importantly the music of Henry Mancini, this is the film that "baby elepant walk" was written for.
The Royal Families, Regattas and Yachts
from the series "Royal Families"
to be shown at the Cameron House, June10x12inches, acrylic on canvas, framed
What I'm really enjoying about this series is how mundane it is but still has a very grounded and powerful aspect to each piece, I think it's really going to show when all the work is hung together in a couple of weeks. I don't really want to sell any work in advance for this show, I'd really like to see it all together first in one place. I should have a couple more posts for you today as alot of the work is finally coming together, but I am still sketching new things all the time.
If you're looking for a way to deal with a cold and cloudy day, hop on over to my other blog Any How Town (see links) and there I've put up a tutorial for making and painting your own mutant plastic animals.
A.Shay Hahn
Friday, May 13, 2011
The Royal Families, the photos they didn't want you to see!
Untitled (the Duel), Propellor
10x12inches, acrylic on canvas, framed
for the series, the Royal Families at the Cameron House, June 2011
$160.00 each
Okay well until those posts that were removed come back you can look at the pictures.
Also hop on over to the Any How Town blog (see links) to check out Marc Giai-Miniet a wonderful French artist.
A.Shay Hahn
The Royal Families, The Air Force
The Pilot
from the series "Royal Families"
to be shown at the Cameron House, June 2011
10x12inches, acrylic on canvas, framed
I guess there was some kind of burp here at blogger yesterday and two of my posts vanished, I'm sure they'll return at some point, but if not I'll have to repost, until such time that this decision is made, here's a wonderful pilot for you. Also of interest I may be attaching a paypall account to this site, I have received a payment via paypal recently but am surpised, and maybe this is because of the high security they use to maintain the site I received a payment Monday, it cleared Thursday is being transferred soonish and may finally clear by the end of May, so secure yes, speedy ? far from it.
A.Shay Hahn
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
The Royal Families, the Wednesday Challenge
Pick Axe, Sledge Hammer
both pieces are 10x12inches, acrylic on canvas, framed
$160.00 each
for the show, "The Royal Families" at the Cameron House in June
So over on fb we ran a competition, "the Wednesday Challenge" this time it was the Pick Axe versus the Sledge Hammer and after thirteen votes, Pick Axe came out the winner.
A.Shay Hahn
Monday, May 09, 2011
The Royal Family, Houdini Escape II
Untitled (Houdini Escape)
from the series "Royal Families"to be shown at the Cameron House, June 2011
10x12inches, acrylic on canvas, framed
Yes, I am currently obsessed with clothes being stretched out of shape, and Deep Sea Divers are making a powerful return in this upcoming show for the Cameron House.
more to come
A.Shay Hahn
Sunday, May 08, 2011
My Mother is a Saint, Cowbell is coming down
Here's a kickass view of one of my palettes, I love how they build up like a topological map. I am taking down the Cowbell show on Tuesday of this week, many thanks to Mark Cutrara and his fine staff for hosting me there for the past three weeks and we will be back again at a later date. A very happy Mother's Day to me Mum, you are one of the brightest lights shining on this Earth, such a generous, giving person you outshine the stars, thank you for raising me right, your patience, intelligence, sensitivity and unflagging support of my life (even when I strayed from the path) have shown me how important tolerance, patience, second chances, late learning and responsibility for the self can be taught just by waiting for a person to find them in themselves, you don't have to force it, just guide a body in a direction and they will find their own value and stature and also you were always a far superior sketch artist than I could hope to be.
Good God, I love you Mom.
best to the Mothers and to you their Sons and Daughters,
A.Shay Hahn
p.s also as you may know facebook is archiving most of the groups there so I have started a page, Andrew Shay Hahn (the mad craft shoppe) here is the link if you'd like to join it and reccomend it to your friends, thanks so much!/pages/Andrew-Shay-Hahn-the-mad-craft-shoppe/108410249247444
Good God, I love you Mom.
best to the Mothers and to you their Sons and Daughters,
A.Shay Hahn
p.s also as you may know facebook is archiving most of the groups there so I have started a page, Andrew Shay Hahn (the mad craft shoppe) here is the link if you'd like to join it and reccomend it to your friends, thanks so much!/pages/Andrew-Shay-Hahn-the-mad-craft-shoppe/108410249247444
Friday, May 06, 2011
Royal Families, pants on fire.
The Liar.
from the series "Royal Families" to be shown at the Cameron House, June 2011
10x12inches, acrylic on canvas, framed
I've been wanting to do this for quite awhile, as long as another piece that I'm doing, "the man who loved cocktails". I think for something based around a children's taunt it turned out quite well.
from the series "Royal Families" to be shown at the Cameron House, June 2011
10x12inches, acrylic on canvas, framed
I've been wanting to do this for quite awhile, as long as another piece that I'm doing, "the man who loved cocktails". I think for something based around a children's taunt it turned out quite well.
As always it would be great to hear from you in the comments section or send me an email at the address below.
A.Shay Hahn
The Royal Family, Woman with Wings/ Coup Sticks
Woman with Wings / Coup Sticks
from the series "Royal Families"
to be shown at the Cameron House, June 2011
10x12inches, acrylic on canvas, framed
The show is really coming together, I think it will be among the best looking I've hung at the Cameron House (see the labels, "Silver", "Come on Pilgrim","Lost Houses" for a retrospective look at shows I've had at the Cameron and the evolution of my style/language) I hope to have finished twenty of the 10x12's and about 12 of the 8x10's by the 31rst.
A.Shay Hahn
Thursday, May 05, 2011
The Royal Family, Lion Headed Girl
This is Luna Somethingsomethingorother, from the Harry Potter movies/books, she has become a bit of a hero to me over the past couple of weeks.This is a still from "the Half Blood Prince", which is probably the best of the Potter films, full of drugs, raging hormones, smoky people and the murder of Santa Claus, they should've done another film set in Hogwart's with the crew as teens, there was so much more going on there.
Everytime I think of this brave little individual with a lion on her head, I can't help but smile.
Other things I am doing while trying to finish this show, I am putting things outside the studio and see if people take them, I put out the birdhouses that I built (all but the smallest, I'm keeping that one) and they're gone, I put out a bunch of books and may put out more, most of those are gone. I think tomorrow I'll put out a bunch of cd's and see how long it takes for them to go. I have to reduce the amount of things I own by at least a third, maybe more. Honestly, alot of these things have just been sitting here gathering dust, I make things, I don't keep them.
I've been trying to get through Jim Steranko's great run on Nick Fury (thanks K.Hudson) it's hilarious, action packed and wordy and just keeping a good bunch of notes in my head for Any How Town, which I'd love to write as a serial, similar to the Hardy Boys or Enid Blyton, short 200 page books that look at a couple of aspects of Any How Town (see links) and also has a greater story that would culminate around book five or six.
talk soon true believers, time for oatmeal with protein powder and a nap,
Other things I am doing while trying to finish this show, I am putting things outside the studio and see if people take them, I put out the birdhouses that I built (all but the smallest, I'm keeping that one) and they're gone, I put out a bunch of books and may put out more, most of those are gone. I think tomorrow I'll put out a bunch of cd's and see how long it takes for them to go. I have to reduce the amount of things I own by at least a third, maybe more. Honestly, alot of these things have just been sitting here gathering dust, I make things, I don't keep them.
I've been trying to get through Jim Steranko's great run on Nick Fury (thanks K.Hudson) it's hilarious, action packed and wordy and just keeping a good bunch of notes in my head for Any How Town, which I'd love to write as a serial, similar to the Hardy Boys or Enid Blyton, short 200 page books that look at a couple of aspects of Any How Town (see links) and also has a greater story that would culminate around book five or six.
talk soon true believers, time for oatmeal with protein powder and a nap,
A.Shay Hahn
p.s alot of traffic came through this blog after I posted Kevin Quain's bit about what happened with Mr.Hindmarch a couple of Sunday's ago, I asked Kevin to write a follow up about what happened the following Sunday, but haven't heard back from him. If I hear anything I'll let you know.
p.s alot of traffic came through this blog after I posted Kevin Quain's bit about what happened with Mr.Hindmarch a couple of Sunday's ago, I asked Kevin to write a follow up about what happened the following Sunday, but haven't heard back from him. If I hear anything I'll let you know.
The Royal Families, Private Yachts and process
Private Yacht
from the series, "Royal Families" for the Cameron House, June 2011
10x12inches, acrylic on canvas, framed
Here's a three step example of getting to a finished piece, the one aspect I did want to maintain from the original block in was that "Degas high white" on the highlight, but of course I had to wait until I'd fully corrected the arms and the size of the figure, which shrank significantly from the block in, that figure seemed too close and gave the impression of being more muscular, which wasn't what I was looking for. I hope someone is up reading this, it's 4:30 am by my clock.
A.Shay Hahn
Wednesday, May 04, 2011
Royal Families, The Middleton Thing and etc.
from the series, "Royal Families" to be shown at the Cameron House, June 2011.
10x12 inches, acrylic on canvas, framed
General thoughts on the series so far, without edits, in no particular order of importance.
What else, I suppose the first image from Royal Families "Pitchfork" reminds me of Jackie Onassis, something about the baggy sweater and bandana, if she ever wore these things I'm not sure. The Life Jackets definitely get me thinking about the Kennedy burial at sea of JFK Jr. and Carolyn Bissette. Expect a couple more of those to show up. I'm surprised how long it has taken me to settle on what I'm doing for the Cameron House show, there were some false starts and lots of small works leading up to this run of productivity, but everything feels to be in the right place, but I said in earlier posts, I haven't had a cigarette in a few days so I am trying to keep my hands as busy as possible so if there is a bombardment of crazy stuff showing up here, that is also a factor.
This series seems to have more "fashion" in it than past work, I'm spending alot more time considering the clothes that the folks are going to wear in the images, there may be some patterns showing up, who knows.
I am also working hard to avoid thinking about my show at Cowbell, the paintings look great in the space, but if I leave that room with everything that I brought down, I'm really not sure how I'm going to feel, not about the experience, but about having to drag more work back to my studio. Work that is of a quality that I know is very, very good, is admired and is well priced. It's getting to be a bit much. Luckily, while all this is happening I am writing notes for the (now) sprawling world that is "Any How Town" and (maybe as always) if some patron smiles down on me with the showing at Cowbell I can take a little time (just a little) to write the first book of the series.
thanks for listening, best
A.Shay Hahn
The Royal Families, for the love of lifejackets
from the series "Royal Families"to be shown at the Cameron House, June 2011
10x12inches, acrylic on canvas, framed
One of my favourite symbols is the lifejacket, to me they are loaded with meaning, memory, story etc. but for longer blog entries you'll have to wait, I am currently going mad at the easel, broke as a joke and three days without a cigarette.
Inspiration #1 for this series, going to one of my favourite galleries and seeing two absolutely shite shows, that always gets a fire under me. (more reasons yet to come)
Please head to Cowbell Restaurant or the Press Club to see my work live and in the flesh, scroll down to see what is displayed at each location.
A.Shay Hahn
Tuesday, May 03, 2011
Royal Families II, the Cameron House
from the series "Royal Families"to be shown at the Cameron House, June 2011
10x12inches, acrylic on canvas, framed$160.00
So I haven't had a cigarette in two days, expect things to get a little weird around here.
A.Shay Hahn
the Royal Families, the series
from the series "Royal Families"to be shown at the Cameron House, June 2011
10x12inches, acrylic on canvas, framed$160.00
Okay Gods of Art and Commerce please converge on Cowbell Restaurant for a feast so that I am able to finish this series.
A.Shay Hahn
Canadian Girl, Black Flag

It would be great to hear from some of the folks who visit the blog, send me an email at the address below.
all images are property of the artist, will do commissions upon request.
follow on twitter @madcraftshoppe
facebook Andrew Shay Hahn (the mad craft shoppe)
Monday, May 02, 2011
Deep Sea Diver w/ Accordion OR Life isn't just about Skeletons
7x9 inches, acrylic on board, framed$80.00
Another great Alda quote from "Nothing But the Truth", "Sure, there are all kinds of mistakes, there are mistakes like wearing white after labour day and then there are mistakes like invading Russia in Winter".
Currently showing at Cowbell Restaurant and at the Press Club, you can see what's on display at either venue by scrolling down the blog. Also to see my popular letters for kids of all ages, check the link "the alphabet shoppe" and if you are looking to invest in the next series of books and films to rival Harry Potter, check my link, "Any How Town".
A.Shay Hahn
Deep Sea Diver w/ Drum
7x0 inches, acrylic on board, framed
One of my favourite film quotes is from "Nothing But the Truth" where Alan Alda says, "No matter how great a man you were, no matter what you did with your life or how much you were loved and admired, the number of people at your funeral is usually determined by the weather.". Don't let the weather stop you from getting out and voting for which candidate you think is the right "Great man (or woman)" for the job.
A.Shay Hahn
Sunday, May 01, 2011
Mariachi Acoustic Bass and Controversy at the Cameron House
7x9 inches, acrylic on board, framed
Here's some news from Kevin Quain in regards to an incident last Sunday at the Cameron House, I have no opinion on the matter, as I wasn't there, but I thought you may enjoy reading an account of what happened.You can find other links and updates about the incident on the internet, normally, I'd post them but I've got alot on my plate right now.
This past Monday April 25th, Alex Hindmarch, a DJ at Q107, went on the air and offered listeners $107 to show up at the Cameron House this coming Sunday May 1st, to disrupt my band's performance by shouting out his name. He attended our show the previous night, and although he said he enjoyed it, he was offended at being asked to put money in the jar that is passed around to collect wages for the band. He declined to do so. He was also offended that his party was asked to be quiet, or to move to the back room. They declined to do that as well.
Our audience appreciates a quiet room and our attempt to provide that shouldn’t have come as a great surprise. When they entered the Cameron, they passed by four signs that said the following in bold lettering: "You are cordially invited to attend our show in the front lounge, from 9:00pm to Midnight. Out of respect for your fellow patrons, those not attending the show are invited to enjoy the comfort of the historic back room. Your consideration is greatly appreciated." And just to make this expectation even clearer, each member of his party received show programs that contain the same text in bold lettering on the front. The entire audience shouted at them to be quiet, but they insisted on staying and continued to disturb the audience until the end of the set
You may well ask what kind of person would stay in a room knowing they were disturbing everyone else there. I wish I had an answer. But such people exist and they do show on up Sundays from time to time. We make the best of it, and sometimes all we can do is laugh and include them in the show. Which sometimes makes them angry.
Which brings us again to Alex Hindmarch. I play music for a living, sometimes literally for nickels and dimes. I mention this not to elicit sympathy or complain about my chosen profession; on the contrary, I love what I do and I'm committed to it. But I wonder: do I really need to be taken down a peg by Mr. Hindmarch, and more importantly, by a communications corporation, because I asked for a bit of quiet to make some music? I don't mind someone giving me a bad review. I am pretty awful sometimes. And I don’t mind someone suggesting that I'm a disagreeable individual (which I most certainly am nearly all the time). But the idea that Corus Entertainment would encourage and underwrite the disruption of a performance by an indie band who have plied their trade for 16 years in a small 60-seat family-owned venue, seems a bit unfair. If Mr. Hindmarch's use of the airwaves strikes you as odd, unfair or a bit mean-spirited, I do encourage you to share your thoughts with Corus Entertainment. Ask them to what extent this person's actions reflect their core values. It's important to let the parent company know what their "brands" are up to. I would also encourage you to get in touch with Q107 directly and ask them for clarification on Alex Hindmarch's "contest"? Contact information is provided below.
One final thought: if our show is going to be interrupted, why don't we hold him to his word* and shout his name next Sunday, count heads, and ask that he write a cheque (potentially for thousands of dollars) to Sick Kids Hospital? It's a thought.
Thanks for taking the time to read this, and I hope to see you somewhere, sometime soon.
Cheers,Kevin Quain
Corus Entertainment Contact Information: Magda KrpanCorus
Lorraine ZarbCorporate Communications416-479-6129
Q107Main Reception416-479-7000* One of Corus Entertainment's "Core Values", listed on their website, is : "Accountability: We do what we say we’ll do - no excuses."
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