see you at the Fringe,
A.Shay Hahn
Andrew Shay Hahn's paintings/ sketches/ kvetches We trust you will enjoy yourself
see you at the Fringe,
A.Shay Hahn
A.Shay Hahn
Not much to say today, big day of working on a Deep Sea Diver commission ( a whole band!) and touching up a couple of smaller things, there will be a couple of band/gig posters that I'll put up today too.
If you need to reach me,
A.Shay Hahn
Here is the June 16th layout of the A.Shay Hahn wall at the Press Club, to locate this wall go to The Press Club which is on Dundas West, between Euclid and Manning on the North Side of the street. Their summer hours are 6 pm - 2 am, enter the bar walk to the back to order a drink and look East. I will be changing and updating things as they sell, new work is created, my moods change, etc. So if there is a piece you're interested in please contact me here to gurantee you get it.
I'm currently on a huge Gainsborough kick, leading me towards my own take on his work and the paintings of other British painters from the late 1700's, so expect that influence to show up in the new stuff. Who knew that looking at all those paintings of hunting parties, royalty, horses and landscapes when I was in England as a chilod, would resurface as such a strong impulse thirty years later. Thanks Dad, Mom and the British Mockridges.
I just spent a few days building frames, I've got about 35 of them now taking up most of the space in my studio, I also have the same amount of canvases, so I am more than prepared for these new ideas to start floppin' out. Currently I am taking commissions and also, please contact me if you need to still pick up your work from, "Come On Pilgrim" at the Cameron House.
I don't have much to say today, really, I just wanted you to see a picture of the wall
A.Shay Hahn
Let's get to the good news first, I have very happily negotiated an agreement with the fine folks at the Press Club to have the back wall near the bar be a permanent exhibition place for my work. I am building a hanging system on Monday and will be able to display multiple pieces of different sizes without pounding holes in their walls as I rotate work when it sells, and it will sell, mark my words, it will sell.
I have quite a few (too many ) paintings in my home studio right now, and they don't do me any good here, so you will be able to purchase from an ever rotating collection of beer pigs, muppets, assorted 12 x 12's, ladies with axes, and others ephemera by mid week, next week. I will of course post a photo as soon as the work is hung. I would like to thank M. & A. Hickery, V. Schwartz, I. Philp in advance for all the work that they will be doing for me, it's like my own musical boutique full of beer, couldn't be happier.
Some bad news, the BP oil spill, I'm 100% certain that's where the inspiration for the Whales of Safety and these fine Rescue Dogs has come from, man has gone so far past accountability in this life that now it's up to the animals to save their own, since we are hell bent on wiping everything off the planet, including ourselves, I'd say in the next eighty years or so. One of the "radical" environmentalists and original scientists work worked on the White House Report on Global Warming was quoted once as saying, "The human mind cannot comprehend how bad the situation has become on this planet (paraphrasing) if we did we'd go running into the streets screaming and beating our brains in.". That being said, the World Cup starts this week, it will be a fine distraction. Go Germany!
I had some crazy dreams last night, in one I was part of a misfit group of WW II Superheroes, like the JSA or the Invaders and we just couldn't get it together, all along the most powerful member of our group was this older female scientist, whos skin was charcoal grey with white blond hair. I imagine in the movie adaptation of the comic she will be played by Kate Blanchett ,as a Post Face Lift Joan Allen is too creepy to consider, why'd you have to do it Joan ? The Contender is one of my favourite films!
The Second dream was like a plot from a foreign film you'd read the review of in NOW magazine but never see, I was a US Soldier during the Vietnam War, next to our barracks in Saigon was a textile factory, there was a group of women who worked the same shifts as me and a couple of my buddies rotation and... you know what, this is actually too good to write here. I know folks download my paintings all the time and use the photos for their own pleasure, so I'll just keep this dream to myself, it would make a great screenplay.
A final word, I would like to wish a very, very Happy 3000th Birthday to the Rev. Matthew Ellis, who has been a great friend of mine for over 15 years or so, go see him and George Brown at Seven Crown's Tattoo (see links) they are the best in the city. Happy Birthday Matt.
to get in touch with A.Shay Hahn, rub the below address three times
There is one more "Pub Life Sketch" but I'll have to track down a copy, I gave the original to I.Philp of Milk Run before I took a shot, look for it sometime in the next two weeks.
A.Shay Hahn