Sunday, February 28, 2010
Last Day of the Press Club, rest four hours and resume

Thursday, February 25, 2010
The Second 30 x30

Perspective really is everything, as an artist who enjoys representing things in different scales, giant birdhouses, giant chickens, tiny people etc. I'm amazed at how working on paintings of this scale makes everything else seem so small. As I begin these blockins for the work I'm also finishing a commission/request on a 20x20 inch scale, and it looks so tiny. I have paintings arranged in my studio by size and the 20 x 20's used to be the "big stack", well add 10 x10 inches and suddenly a 20 x 20 looks like a pretty small fish.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
the first 30 x 30, let's see who reads this

So it took a few days to do it, but I finally put the brush to canvas on the first two 30 x 30's, I thought I'd begin in comfortable territory and work on the above, "Waiting for the Lake to Freeze" but render the piece with cooler tones, than the previous paintingss in the series, work the clothes differently, give it a cool "black and white" tone palette. I'm going to enjoy just pushing the paint around, there's so much space to use.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Size Matters (cont'd)

Animals With Day Jobs or Always Be Painting
I paint, it's what I do, I watch TV while painting, listen to music while painting, I have tried to play xbox while painting but that just doesn't work.
A few days ago the Olympics began, my girlfriend and I have absorbed about 9 hours of it so far, she falls asleep and I paint. A couple of days before the Opening Ceremonies (I paint) two friends and I were joking around at the Press Club and came up with the concept for a web series called, "Justice Snake" about a snake who is also a lawyer/ street vigilante. Having no current ideas in my head while I'm researching/sketching/preparing to start working on some larger canvases (see next post) I decided to paint Justice Snake and see how he looked. Well, as you can see, he looks great, so since I can't control myself I just started painting other animals and giving them day jobs. Yes, one would assume that a husky already has a job pulling dog sleds but that is an insult to their potential and an unfair stereotype.
I occasionally ask people over on Face book to contribute ideas, here is a sample of what came my way within seconds, a fat cat, sitting behind a grand desk, smoking a cigar. Black Labrador Retriever Lifeguard. Pig chamber maid. Owl bartender. Owls who are painters - like wall painters, not artist painters.Construction worker bears. A parrot who is a chef. Mail Delivery Squirrel. Meter Maid rooster. Penguin pharmacist. UPS rabbit.Housewife Dog. Dinosaur Pilot. Cat florist.Librarian eagle. Mouse butcher and a maitre'd horse.Seahorse Lumberjack.octopus hairdresser,lizard priest.cat acupuncturist, there are more but I'll stop there.
In the past I have painted pictures of peoples pets for them as gifts, I can now say that I probably won't ever do that again unless they give their pet a profession - and then maybe I could be persuaded. If you have any suggestions or would like a picture of your pet hard at work at their day job you can talk to me here.
These pieces (the unsold) are hanging at the Press Club until February 27th, but I doubt they will be there for long.
A.Shay Hahn
Friday, February 12, 2010
Size Matters

Friday, February 05, 2010
All's Quiet in the Studio, why is that ?

Tuesday, February 02, 2010
Guinness Pigs and a Questionable "Winter" Olympics

A.Shay Hahn