Monday, November 24, 2008




War Pigs Triptych
each piece is twelve x twelve inches
acrylic on canvas
one hundred and fifty dollars each
set for Four Hundred Dollars

Apparently my yearly bout of insomnia has come early this year, leaving me with migraines and a general feeling of living in a fugue state, yet we soldier on and painted these wonderful beasties just to keep a smile on my face.

all the best Shoppers,
A.S Hahn

Two More for "Silver"

Woman With Violin,
Rock and Roll Watertower
both pieces are twenty x twenty inches
acrylic on canvas
four hundred dollars each.

The show at the Cameron House is extended until the 5th of December to be followed by Sam Ferrara's yearly show of metal sculpture. Sales are still going well so if you're interested in a piece I suggest you contact me sooner than later.

So the old email has been hacked and if you are on my contact list you will receive an email addressed to "Undisclosed Recipient" asking you to send me Three Thousand dollars, DO NOT REPLY, it isn't me.

new email is


A.S Hahn

Monday, November 10, 2008


Hey there Shoppers, the shoppe email account that is here,, has been discontinued due to internet piracy, please contact me at from now on, sorry if this causes any inconvenience.

Thanks to all who came to the Opening, it was a roaring success with great music by The Wanted, all kinds of little yard apes running around and smiles, laughter and compliments, I'm very touched. The show continues at the Cameron House until the 28 th of November.

all the best Shoppers,
A.S Hahn

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Countdown to Sunday

Hey there Shoppers, I forgot to post that the Great, Great Rizdales are playing that aft/eve at the Cameron, they're the pride of Guelph/Hamilton/Toronto you're going to love their country double vocal stylings, check them out online.
Work that has sold: if you were caught sleeping at the wheel here's what's SOLD already
Man With Hammers (Hephaestus)
Woman With Crows
Woman With Buckets (Poseidon)
that's about one a day since the show went up, not bad Shay, not bad, let's do twelve more.
Also, I'll be adding all my notes on the show to the site this week along with some new blog links to Fountain Gallery, Army of Dude (which is an online blog by aUS soldier in Iraq) and my friend Michael Segui's blog (which he has to add some more content to!)
see you at the Cameron on Sunday Shoppers, God Bless America
A.S Hahn