Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Pesky exposed space on your walls ? Look no further

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Canadian Girl, Baseball Furies, Requiem for the Karate Kid $120.00 each, Mariachi $80.00, Girl With An Axe $180.00, CALM/ Bullshit Gauges $40.00 each. Martina the Martian, Day of the Dead, Canadian Girl (Caesar), Siren $120.00
RAYGUNS! $250.00, Sledgehammer/ Requiem for the Karate Kid II $120.00 each, Grapefruit/ Woman with an Axe $180.00
Here are some new additions to the Anniversary Sale, I took down the Marvel Superhero pieces, there didn't seem to be much interest in them, but I also think they aren't selling because they lack frames so I replaced them with the second Raygun! piece and the Sledghammer and Grapefruit.
The sale is on until the end of May and then I am going on a short hiatus from painting to finish the second book in the Any How Town series, get an agent and get the book series published.
send me an email for any inquiries, you can also buy directly from the staff and there is an ATM on site at the Press Club, 850 Dundas West, between Euclid and Manning.
A.Shay Hahn

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