Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Deep Sea Divers, Royal Families and Rayguns OR the Press Club Wall, Jan. 30th

Press Club Wall Jan,30th 2012

Six Million Dollar Man $80, Pick Axe $140, Propellor $140, Violin $140,the Pilot $140, RAYGUNS! two for $150., $80.each, The Archer DONATED TO AUCTION, Musical Goon $220, Dea Seep Diver with Drum $140, Canadian Girl (Black Flag) $160, The Duel (Two Drummers) SOLD, Deep Sea Diver with Guitar $140, Chimpanzee with Viking Helmet $80.

Here's what is hanging at the Press Club (850 Dundas West, open 6:30ish) a finer selection could not be found in any gallery in Toronto. As you can see any pieces from "The Royal Families" are still $140.00 in an effort to pay for me to write the first book of the Any How Town series (See links) I'm at 21,500 words into the second draft and about 70,000 more words to go and edit before starting the Third draft, it's alot of work.  Expect more posting over at the Any How Town blog as I'm currently not working on any new paintings, but I might be doing an album cover sometime soon, stay tuned for that.
Of the pieces shown above I cannot believe I haven't sold "Propellor" or "Pick Axe" yet, strangely my favourite painting from the whole series was "The Duel (two drummers)" I'm not sure that one will ever sell, but it's really awesome.
 The snow out there today is perfect for building forts,
A.Shay Hahn

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