Friday, June 05, 2009

Iner Souster and other news

I have been meaning to add this link for years, Iner's work is fantastic, you have to just go and see his stuff, he's like me and runs three or four separate blogs to show off his various interests, which are many.

I'll add more here later, but really just go to the link

For the next fifty days I am going to post one (hopefully two things) a day, whether it's a sketch for Any How Town (see links) a letter for the alphabet shoppe (see links) or a painting for here, so keep checking in to each location, or I'll use the madcraftshoppe as a hub to let you know where things are.

The Press Club show has come down, it was an amazing month, met alot of new folks, sold alot of work and saw some great bands. I purchased a print from Robin Richardson who is hanging there now, she has some nice line work and coloured prints that can be seen at the piece I bought is titled, "big bad birds" and I'll post a photo here later, when I get her permission. I do apologize to her as the walls now look like a firefight in Beirut due to the number of holes I bashed in them, so her smaller works look like they were facing a firing squad.

The good folks at the Press Club and I may make this an annual event, so I would (barring any changes in my life) show at the Cameron House in November and then at the Press Club in May - I like the space between, gives me adequate time to rest and create new work. What do you think ?

have a great day, if there are some blogs you reccomend please email me at


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